Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Do you know what is fear? Have you though about it?
Fear is not something you can touch, see or hear. It is something created by the mind. The dictionary says "A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger." The mind interprets sounds or things and based on previous experiences it may conclude it is a dangerous situation which then triggers the feeling of agitation and anxiety. Studies have proved that people develop specific fears as a result of learning. Fears can be acquired by a frightening traumatic accident. For example, if you had an accident caused by aggressive dog, you might acquire a fear of dogs. It is also possible to learn a fear even if you are not the one experienced the trauma. The fact that you see someone's fear or a situation that results in fear for someone is enough for you to develop the same type of fear.
Another source of fears is the evolution. Fears of different species like snakes and some beasts are product of humans evolution. Therefore some fears are coded deep into humans nature. It is suggested the fear of heights is developed long time ago during the during the Mesozoic period when first mammals also appeared. I know a person who is afraid from lightnings and it is coded hard inside him from his early years. His mother was scaring him when there was a storm outside, telling how dangerous lightnings are. Fear of something can be acquired from personal experiences, evolution or from other people's fear. No matter where it comes from it is something that exists only in our mind. Fear is only an illusion!
“Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.” ― Michael Jordan
Fears are actual also some barriers or limits. They stop us from acting.
"The first duty of man is to conquer fear; he must get rid of it, he cannot act till then." ― Thomas Carlyle
Everyone has fears and the way you can get rid of a fear is the same as the way you acquired it. You have to embrace it - you have to do what you are afraid of! Usually, the fear is killed at the moment you start doing what you are afraid of. Feel the fear and do it anyway. If you develop the discipline of doing what you are afraid of, you will have less fears and this is something liberating. Fears hold you in a cage. The less fears you have, the bigger your cage is. Successful people have less fears than others.


A very good quote coming from the movie "After Earth" is:
"Fear is not real. It's a product of thoughts you create. Now do not understand me, danger is very real. But fear is a choice." - Will Smith